Friday, October 19, 2007

Student Writers

Meg Gustus

Grade Level:
4th and 5th grade

Approximately 10 hours over a three week period.

Lesson Description or Explanation:
Students will use technology to create a literary piece of their choosing. After a literacy Unit the students will have a strong understanding of the various types of literacy. To showcase their understanding they will have the option of choosing what they want to write about and in what style they are most comfortable with or wish to explore. This allows students to work at their own pace

Indiana Curricular Standards:
Standard 4: WRITING: ProcessThe writing process includes prewriting, drafting, editing, and revising. Students progress through these stages to write clear, coherent, and focused paragraphs and essays.
Standard 5: WRITING: ApplicationsThrough the exploration of different types of writing and the characteristics of each, students become proficient at narrative (stories), expository (informational), descriptive (sensory), persuasive (emotional appeal), argumentative (logical defense), and technical writing. Writing demonstrates an awareness of the audience (intended reader) and purpose for writing.

ISTE Standards:
1. Basic operations and concepts
Students demonstrate a sound understanding of the nature and operation of technology systems.
Students are proficient in the use of technology.
3. Technology productivity tools
Students use technology tools to enhance learning, increase productivity, and promote creativity.
Students use productivity tools to collaborate in constructing technology-enhanced models, prepare publications, and produce other creative works.

The students will first complete a rough draft of the literary piece that they wish to complete on the computer, they will have a conference with me before they begin work on the computer. During this conference I will be able to see the development of ideas the student has and we will talk about how their piece can be done on the computer and what tools the individual will use.
While the students are working on their literary piece, I will be walking around and answering any questions the students might have and giving assistance when needed. In walking around the room it will give me a good idea as to how they are advancing in their piece (fluidly or with difficulty).
Simply, I will have the students hand in their piece and it should be complete with no errors. They should have used the computer to create their piece in a way that shows their individuality.

Prior Knowledge:
Curricular Knowledge or Skills: The students must all have a basic understanding of how to write (spell, grammar etc.). They must an understanding of a broad range of types of literature and what each type of literature; how it is made and why.
Technology Knowledge: Students must know how to use the type of word-processing tool that they choose to create their literary piece.

Internet Resources:,,,,

Hardware: Computers with internet access, color printer/scanner

Software: Microsoft Office Word, Microsoft Office Excel, Microsoft Office Publisher, clip art

Students will spend up to 5 hours over a week (at school and at home) deciding upon a piece of writing that they wish to pursue (i.e. poetry, autobiography, biography, comic strip, editorial, brochure, magazine article etc.). Once they have created a rough draft of the piece they choose to write they will begin creating it on the computer. They will spend up to 5 hours throughout two weeks creating their piece. Finally they will display their pieces for all of their peers to see.

Differentiated Instruction:
Students who are ESL will be able to use various resources to help them translate what they choose to write.

Because this lesson allows students to choose their own type of literary piece students who need more of a challenge can choose to create something that allows them to develop something elaborate and complex.

Special Needs:
Because this lesson allows students to choose their own type of literary piece, students with special needs have the option of choosing a piece that will fit their abilities and strengths.

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