Author(s): Tracy Wendling and Kim Blake
Grade Level: K – 1
Timeframe: 10-12 Class Periods , 20-30 minutes each period
Lesson Description or Explanation
Students will tour the animal kingdom from A-Z while learning the letters of the alphabet and the different sounds the letters make.
They will recite, identify and understand the sounds each letter makes. Students will then identify the names of animals that begin with particular letter sounds and create a picture to represent the animal. Student will develop an animal alphabet book.
Indiana Curricular Standards
K.1.18 Understand the alphabetic principle, which means that as letters in words change, so do the sounds.
K.1.19 Learn and apply knowledge of alphabetical order (first letter) when using a classroom or school library/media center.
K.1.22 Listen to stories read aloud and use the vocabulary in those stories in oral language.
K.4.3 Write using pictures, letters, and words.
K.4.7 Identify pictures and charts as sources of information and begin gathering information from a variety of sources (books, technology)
K.5.1 Draw pictures and writes words for a specific reason.
K.6.2 Spell independently using an understanding of the sounds of the alphabet and knowledge of letter names.
K.7.1 Understand and follow one- and two-step spoken directions.
K.7.2 Share information and ideas, speaking in complete, coherent sentences.
ISTE Standards
Technology research tools. Students use technology to locate, evaluate, and collect information from a variety of sources.
Social, ethical, and human issues. Students practice responsible use of technology systems, information and software.
Formative: Observe and encourage student participation in class discussion, asking and answering questions, and volunteering comments and ideas.
Visit with students throughout the center time and provide direction, correct any errors, and affirm success.
Did students respond accurately to follow-up questions?
Summative: At the end of the lesson, collect the student’s animal alphabet books.
Did the students accurately represent the alphabet letters with animals?
Did the students represent the letters of the alphabet correctly?
Could the students verbalize or represent the alphabet correctly?
Prior Knowledge
Curricular Knowledge or Skills: Students will sing the alphabet song using the alphabet board / cards displayed in the classroom.
Technology Knowledge: Student will understand how to use the computer / internet to search for information and pictures of animals. Children will be familiar with Kidspiration and Pix Writer.
Internet Resources: (please list URLs)
Hardware: Computer, Projector
Software: Word, PowerPoint
Share lesson goals and objectives with the students: They will identify, recite and demonstrate knowledge of letters by creating an animal alphabet book.
As a group and using the alphabet board / cards in the classroom, sing the alphabet songs.
Using Kidspiration, a projector or a white board, have children shout out letters as the teacher writes them. Brainstorm with students about animals which match the letter sounds.
Show students some alphabet cards with animal pictures and/or names on them.
Read and show children books with animals and/or alphabet matches in them, for example, Animal Alphabet: From Ape to Zebra by Random House Staff, or Zoopa: An Animal Alphabet by Gianna Marino.
Explain that students may work in groups or alone.
Differentiated Instruction
ESL / Special Needs: Give the students the choice to work in groups or alone. Students will have time to research animals on the internet. Students will share their findings.
Set up centers to provide opportunities for the students to demonstrate the animals with the letters of the alphabet.
Center1: Kidspiration. Children can use the program to create their animals and letters of the alphabet.
Center 2: Use construction paper, paint/brushes, crayons, markers or print resources from the internet to create pictures of animals. Have students paste drawing, picture to a piece of construction paper. Have a variety of tools available for children with disabilities.
Center 3: Children can use Pix Writer to create their animal alphabet book by importing the pictures from the internet them using the software to create the animal alphabet book.
Center 4: Students can use to create their animal alphabet book.
Center 5: Students will use the loose paper to bind, draw and create their animal alphabet book.
Center 6: Intellitools. Students use the coloring pages to create their own animal alphabet books.
Student may include details about each animal by researching the animal via the internet, for example Kids Planet or National Geographic Creature Feature. Student can use Word to write a brief summary of what they learned about each animal.
Special Needs
Use KidSite of Yellowstone National Park to read about animals by clicking on their picture or have the text read to you using the Alphabet Book with Sound.
Use a variety of art tools, paper, crayons, markers, paint to give the student choice.
Friday, October 19, 2007
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1 comment:
Tracy and Kim
really like the way you give the students so much space to work withinthe parameters of your lesson plan. I wonder, though, if at K-1 they might become overwhelmed with too much choice?
Maxine Troy
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