Sunday, October 21, 2007

Computers in Learning Centers

Computers in Learning Centers
Marsha Schoen

Grade Level: 1st Grade

Timeframe: Every day for 40 minutes during reading.

Lesson Description or Explanation: Students will visit the Starfall website as one of the learning centers. There will be four centers altogether; the computer area, listening area, partner reading and group reading with the teacher.

Indiana Curricular Standards
Standard 1: READING: Word Recognition, Fluency, and Vocabulary DevelopmentWord Recognition involves the understanding of the basic features of words: word parts, patterns, relationships, and origins. Students use phonics, context clues, and a growing knowledge of English and other languages to determine the meaning of words and become fluent readers.Standard 2: READING: ComprehensionComprehension involves understanding grade-level-appropriate material. Students develop strategies such as asking questions; making predictions; and identifying and analyzing structure, organization, perspective, and purpose.

ISTE Standards:
Standard 1: Basic operations and concepts - Students demonstrate a sound understanding of the nature and operation of technology systems. Students are proficient in the use of technology
Standard 3: Technology productivity tools - Students use technology tools to enhance learning, increase productivity, and promote creativity.

Formative: Teacher will observe children to assess technology skills. Teacher will use miscue analysis to assess students’ reading fluency.
Summative: Students will take a weekly reading test as well as future miscue analyses. Teacher will assess students’ technology skills by observation every three weeks.

Prior Knowledge
Curricular Knowledge or Skills: Teacher will base prior reading fluency on previous miscue analyses.
Technology Knowledge: Teacher will observe students use of computer technology the first week they use the computer area to determine prior knowledge.

Internet Resources: (please list URLs) www.starfall .com
Hardware: computers with internet access, headphones (adaptive keyboard if needed)

Students will be placed in groups for reading. During reading time each day, the groups will rotate among the different centers (10 minutes at each center). At the computer area, students will choose to work with phonics or reading fluency on the Starfall website. Although this will be student directed the teacher may need to redirect the student to a different level. They will use headphones to listen to the sounds and words. Initially each child will work alone. The teacher may decide at a later date to pair students. Each group will visit all the centers. The centers time may be extended or the teacher might change the rotation so that each group will only visit two centers a day.

Differentiated Instruction
Students whose first language is not English can benefit from using the phonics part of this website. It includes the alphabet as well as short and long vowel sounds along with the written letter.

Students who need more of a challenge have three reading levels to choose from. Starfall also has activities in which read the directions and make a picture, find words, learn about holidays, etc.

Special Needs
Starfall has a sign language alphabet in which the text letter is shown, a character says the letter and sound (so that it can be lipread) and the letter is shown in sign language. Students could use the phonics part of the website. An adaptive keyboard could be used. The color, type of font and font size can be changed on Starfall as well as the size of the window. The volume can also be changed to louder or softer.

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